Uses for HotSnapZ

In starting HotSnapZ over 14 years ago, we never dreamt that HotSnapZ would bring warmth, comfort and happiness to so many people. A month does not go by where learn of a new use for HotSnapZ products. We are always amazed by the creativity and resourcefulness of our customers.
HotSnapZ have been sold and used from North Pole, Alaska, to Antarctica and the edge of Space.
In addition to the major uses shown above in the slide, the following list is only a sample of the other uses that customers have told us about:
- Sleeping bag warmer
- Raynaud's Syndrome
- Sclerodrerma
- Lionfish Sting Venom kits
- Warming hands for Piano recitals
- Heating high altitude weather balloon electronics
- Massage therapy
- Pedicures
- Arthritis comfort
- Hospice care
- SCUBA wet-suit heat
- Harpists
- Mosquito bites
- Blood drawing/raising veins/IVs
- "Newborn" baby doll heat
- Bra warmers
- Epoxy curing
- Pet bed warmers
- Application of Jamberry Nails
- Keeping food dishes warm - Thermal bags
- Infrared camera, heat loss training
- Physical therapy
HotSnapZ has been selling online since 2003